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December 3, 2007

Sample exam questions for English 2241

Filed under: exam — Prof Internets @ 9:28 pm

Here are a couple of practice questions for your exam.

These are short answer questions; your answers should be  2-3  paragraphs long.

  1.  Chrysanthemum is a book in which word choices are an important part of the story. Discuss.
  2. Why do you think Rapunzel won the Caldecott medal?
  3. Do you like the balance of realism and fantasy in Charlotte’s Web? Why/Why not?

  4. How important is the illustration style in The Sneetches?
  5. Why is food an important theme in Children’s Literature? Explain, using I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato as an example.

Here’s a sample essay question:

1.         Many of the texts we have looked at contain incidents in which children deal with fear (including fear of being in trouble, or fear of conflict). Explain why you think fear is an important element in children’s literature. Use two set text to illustrate your argument.

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